Awareness-Blog: Phishing & Social Engineering

Phishing & Social Engineering

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Our Cybersecurity blog keeps you up to date on the topics of Phishing, Social Engineering and Awareness and provides information on innovative solutions in the field of IT-Security.

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Deepfake attacks – the threat level is high and the cost immense!

Lesezeit: 2 One of the biggest concerns of IT security experts is unauthorized intrusion into their computer system by cybercriminals who spy on or manipulate the data stored there. One method that has been particularly successful in doing this recently is the use of deepfakes.

Is your company at risk of an attack on its supply chain?

Lesezeit: 2 Companies invest a lot of money and masses of resources in protecting their data. But what if a supply chain attack occurs? In such an attack, hackers target not the company itself, but any company that does business with it.

Cyber Insurance is no longer enough! What to do now.

Lesezeit: 2 Cyber risk is on the rise – and so are insurance premiums. At the same time, coverage amounts are being reduced. Bad news for companies of all sizes and industries. But there is a solution: create security awareness in the workforce!

Vishing: We create Awareness for the Fake Calls

Lesezeit: 2 As part of our security awareness training, we also offer vishing training and pentests. These are fictitious telephone calls in order to retrieve sensitive data in a protected room and then clear them up.

Life Cycle Of A Cyber Attack

Lesezeit: 5 To get protected against cyber attacks, it is essential to know how attackers proceed. Using the Cyber Kill Chain® designed by Lockheed-Martin1 , we can understand what methods cyber criminals use to smuggle malware into the company.

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